

Tuesday 6 January 2015


Oh Everything really is a double edged sword right now, things are a little shitty, understatement lol. 
But I've got my gorgeous girlfriend.
It's every cliche to a maximum really, but she genuinely is the most beautiful woman that I have ever set eyes on.
I'm so lucky.
I just think wow.
It's like she gets me, she doesn't just listen to what I say, she really gets it, and gets me.
That's a treasure, one I imagine doesn't come along often.

Anti depressants are so atypical and generic, that frankly a prescription of them is as good as a little pot of magic fairy dust, perhaps I could pick one up from a local raimbow?
Ooh, there's a thought.
Normality has been resumed and the White cloud of confusion has once again returned. I'm so pleased.
I'd rather the White dreamy confusion that the black fog, at least the confusion leaves endless conclusions, black has its limitations.
Mainly an infinite ending.
Shit get deep for 2:30am.
Peace out bitches.